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The need for customer service training

The Global State of Multichannel Customer Service Report survey  , developed by Microsoft, shows that 61% of consumers consider customer service as “very important” when choosing brand loyalty.

In the same survey, 80% of consumers said they stopped doing business with a brand due to a poor customer service experience.

Motivated employees who are well prepared to meet and solve the problems that come to them means satisfaction on both sides: employees and customers.

Employees feel that they are being valued, that the company invests in their qualification and believes in their potential. On the other hand, it performs work with more quality and productivity.

The customer, in turn, by being well served and seeing their requirements met with excellence, creates a positive bond with the company. Thus, it generates loyalty and spontaneous publicity for your business.

Investing in training is investing in the company's success
At first, the idea of ​​investing in employee training may seem expensive for your company. But, when analyzing the benefits that this action can generate, increasing the motivation and productivity of your employees and, consequently, the satisfaction of your customers, you will see that this is an investment in which you can only gain.

The attendants are responsible for direct contact with the consumer, that is, they are directly linked to the image of their organization. Employees who feel lost when performing their work, because they were not properly trained to operate that function, convey to the customer an image of unpreparedness, of not being able to count on the company for their demands.

There are also those who feel unmotivated in their roles. They aren't aligned with the company's culture and don't see sense in what they're doing. These can provide an unsatisfactory service.

When employees are properly prepared to carry out their work and feel motivated and valued, they become partners in your business, going far beyond fulfilling their obligations.

Motivation manual for professional engagement
Check out 4 advantages of customer service training
So far, you could observe that training is a necessity and that investing in the employee is investing in the company's success. However, what are the effective advantages of this service? How is the company benefited and what can be expected in return for the future? That's what we explain over the next few topics. Keep reading!

Increases the alignment on the workday
Lack of alignment throughout working hours is a big problem. If talent doesn't know exactly what to do, they can get it wrong more often, spend too much time on simple processes, and significantly detract from the customer experience itself.

Fortunately, the first benefit of customer service training is alignment. All professionals will understand what must be done, how, when and by whom.

That's because training helps define a workflow, allowing talent to recognize the beginning, middle, and end of their service, as well as best practices. Thus, it is likely that there is more daily fluidity.

Optimizes the adoption of the work philosophy
Almost every company, albeit implicitly, has a work philosophy. For example: “total quality”, “customer first” or “satisfaction guaranteed”. These philosophies are great as they create a unique identity to the enterprise.

The problem is that professionals do not always agree with the philosophy proposed by senior management. This creates a serious problem called talk-do: top management says one thing and, on the day, employees do the opposite.

To eliminate this problem and ensure compliance in adopting the philosophy, training is again essential. It is during the training process that talents will understand that the work philosophy is not just jargon. It's something real that must be embraced.


Improves service techniques
The customer service seems something easy and monotonous. Just ask what the customer wants and give it to him, right? No of course not! The service is something challenging, in which the attendant must know the true need of the customer and know how to negotiate it.

The best service techniques are taught in the training processes. The clerk can improve their understanding of the target audience of psychological triggers behind the care and strategies to close a negotiation win-win.

Therefore, without good training programs, the most likely is that the team of attendants will continue to serve in a superficial way, without relying on the best techniques. This generates results inferior to those that could actually be obtained by the enterprise.
Team training as a motivating factor
First, for your team's attendants to face their role seriously and efficiently, it is necessary to create conditions so that they feel capable of performing their work. Therefore, investing in good customer service training is critical. 

Using  efficient metrics , you can detect possible failures in your processes. You can also see which points need improvement. From there, it must structure a training that has a real impact on the performance of its employees.

In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to issues such as quality of life at work, motivation and inspiration of the team and knowing how to identify and value talent. For that, you must listen to your collaborators.

Hold small informal meetings to find out how the organizational climate is going;
Question your team about their satisfaction with their work and with their area of ​​expertise;
Seek feedback to understand what needs to be changed;
Eliminate any barriers that are discouraging employees.
Offering professional perspectives and a career plan, in addition to financial benefits and good examples from managers, is also a great way to generate motivation.

As stated above, the customer service professional is responsible for communicating with your customer directly. Therefore, he needs to be aligned with his purposes and perform his activity with dedication.

When being well served, the customer tends to be loyal. In addition, he will recommend the company to friends and publicize a positive image of the company in the market. This will set it apart from competitors.

Always keep in mind, therefore, that organizations are made up of people. They are responsible for operating and generating results for their business. Investing in your team of employees is investing in your success!

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